Aatrox is a blood thirsty demon who wishes nothing but death to his enemies. He wants to consume their blood.
Amumu is a young mummy boy who is cursed with loneliness and will never make friends with someone.
Ashe is just good at archery
Azir was an Emperor for a great empire in the year 3000 B.C. He was said to have died of insanity (he wanted to take over the entire world with his unstoppable army.
Blitzcrank was created by many generations of other robots. The generations go back so far, nobody knows who truly created this master-piece robot.
Braum is the kindest guy you will ever meet. Braum is known for his courage and saving people with his giant shield. He even saved a little poro from a hail of arrows
Cho-gath started out as a tiny little alien... Until he ate a bunch of stuff and became huge. Now he eats everything he can.
Darius is a jerk, he leads the Noxian army with rage and destruction. Darius once decapitated his own soldier for looking at him wrong.
Diana is mysterious. Diana has no known friends or family. Most assassins have expansive backstories... Diana has none at all.
Draven is an axe-throwing psychopath who's ego is bigger than his axes. He has the best job. "Not Draven, DrAAAAAAAAAAAAAAven" ~Draven
Ekko is mischievous boy who saves his parents from death... by reversing time before it happened.